Transparency and Community Engagement
Nothing hard happens in government without an organized group of residents behind it. I learned that lesson during my decade as a community organizer and I’ll never forget it.
That’s why we expanded transparency drastically and host town halls on important topics regularly.
We transformed the office of Constituent Services into Community Engagement and Constituent Services, tasking it with engaging residents in the work of government through the CECS Newsletter and countless meetings.
We created ArundelStat, a two-person team that works with all departments to create performance metrics, and then we created OpenArundel, the public portal through which these metrics are shared.
We created the online Budget Tool and the new Budget BuDDE, and each year we host seven Budget Town Halls, one in each council district.
The community engagement process to create our 20-year Plan2040 involved more residents than any planning process in the history of the county. We also held town halls on hate/bias, transportation, immigration issues, the pandemic, housing, forest conservation, smart growth, and much more.
Expanded community notification and access to development plans, and are moving the whole system online so that all parties can review details from their homes and offices.
In my second term, this transparency and engagement will grow, because it’s how we get things done.